Online Signature

Handwritten Signature Online

Handwritten Signature

Handwritten Signature Online
Handwritten Signature Online

Handwritten Signature Online: The Benefits of Signing Digitally

In today’s digital age, signing documents has never been easier thanks to handwritten signature online. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of using a handwritten signature online, and how you can easily sign digital documents from anywhere.

What is a Handwritten Signature Online?

A handwritten signature online is an electronic signature that captures your actual signature in digital form. It allows you to sign documents digitally with your own personal touch, without having to print, sign, and scan them.

Benefits of Using a Handwritten Signature Online

Using a handwritten signature online has several benefits:

Convenience: Signing documents online is much more convenient than printing, signing, and scanning them. It saves time and effort, and allows you to sign documents from anywhere.

Authenticity: A handwritten signature online is a more authentic way of signing documents electronically because it captures your actual signature.

Security: Handwritten signatures online are often more secure than physical signatures because they can be encrypted and authenticated.

How to Create a Handwritten Signature Online

Creating a handwritten signature online is easy and can be done in a few simple steps:

Choose an online signature generator that suits your needs. Some popular options include MyLiveSignature, SignNow, and DocuSign.

Follow the instructions on the website to create your signature. You may be asked to draw your signature on a touch screen or upload an image of your signature.

Once you have created your signature, save it to your device or the signature generator’s platform.

How to Use Your Handwritten Signature Online

Once you have created your handwritten signature online, you can use it to sign digital documents in a few easy steps:

Open the document you need to sign in your preferred software or web application.

Locate the signature field in the document and click on it.

Select your handwritten signature from the saved files on your device or the signature generator’s platform.

Drag and drop your signature into the signature field.

Save the document with your signature.


In conclusion, using a handwritten signature online is a convenient, authentic, and secure way of signing documents electronically. By creating your signature using an online generator and following the simple steps to use it, you can sign documents from anywhere without having to print, sign, and scan them. Some popular options for generating handwritten signatures online include MyLiveSignature, SignNow, and DocuSign.

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